About Us

Who we are
Community Kind Foundation is an innovative non-profit organization that is headquartered in Spokane Washington. We are unique in the way we utilize technology and social media to connect with our communities to provide resources for people in need. We provide food, clothing, resume assistance, and many other services that assist those who are homeless, unemployed, or in need of additional support. We also provide the tools and resources to help people get back on their feet. Our goal is to "Live Better" together and find ways to provide hope during extremely challenging times.
What we do
We have a variety of services that we offer, including but not limited to the distribution of meals, snacks, supplies directly to the homeless community. We create hygiene kits to help people in need stay clean and healthy. We provide warm clothing for men, women, and children who have been displaced or are in need of assistance. We also raise funds to support other groups and organizations all across the country who are providing amazing resources to people in need.
How we can help.
Starting a nonprofit foundation is an exciting opportunity. However, it can be overwhelming when you’re just getting started and trying to get the word out. So we can use your support in 3 main ways.
1. We need your help speading the word about us. Following us on social media as well as sharing our posts with your friends will help build a much needed network and community.
2. We need donations. 100% of all the donations we receive are utilized to purchase and distribute directly to the people who need it most. The more money we raise, the greater the impact we can have. You can donate by clicking on any of the links available on our website as well as our social media accounts.
3. We need you to share the stories and photos of what you and your organizations are doing locally to help as well. We would love to feature those stories on our website and social media accounts to help share the great news as well as drive visibility of other churches and chairty organizations already doing amazing work.